
O’zbekiston Respublikasi Davlat soliq qo’mitasi huzuridagi Fiskal institut



O’zbekiston Respublikasi Davlat soliq qo’mitasi huzuridagi Fiskal institut, or the Fiscal Institute under the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, is a specialized higher education institution located in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Established in [year], the institute is dedicated to providing high-quality education and research opportunities in the field of fiscal studies and taxation. With its focus on fiscal policy, tax administration, and economic development, the Fiscal Institute prepares students to become skilled professionals and contribute to the effective management of public finances in Uzbekistan.

Founding History

The Fiscal Institute under the State Tax Committee was founded with the vision of promoting fiscal studies and enhancing tax administration in Uzbekistan. The institute was established in [year] to address the growing need for specialized education and research in the field of taxation. Since its founding, the institute has played a crucial role in shaping the fiscal landscape of Uzbekistan and providing students with the knowledge and skills necessary for successful careers in tax administration and public finance management.

The founding principles of the Fiscal Institute revolve around fiscal policy, tax administration, and economic development. The institute aims to provide a transformative educational experience that equips students with the theoretical foundation, practical skills, and ethical values necessary for effective tax administration and the sustainable economic development of Uzbekistan.

Departments and Programs

The Fiscal Institute under the State Tax Committee is organized into several departments, each specializing in different areas of fiscal studies and taxation. The institute’s structure ensures that students have access to a diverse range of programs and opportunities for specialization.

  • Department of Tax Law: This department offers programs in tax law, including courses in areas such as tax legislation, international tax law, tax planning, tax dispute resolution, and legal aspects of taxation.
  • Department of Tax Policy: This department focuses on tax policy and provides programs that cover topics such as fiscal policy analysis, tax reform, tax incentives, tax compliance, and economic impact assessment of tax policies.
  • Department of Tax Administration: This department specializes in tax administration and offers programs that explore topics such as tax assessment and collection, taxpayer services, tax audits, risk management, and technology in tax administration.
  • Department of Public Finance: This department offers programs in public finance, providing courses in areas such as budgeting, public expenditure management, fiscal decentralization, debt management, and fiscal sustainability.
  • Department of Accounting and Financial Reporting: This department focuses on accounting and financial reporting in the context of taxation, offering programs that cover topics such as tax accounting principles, tax reporting requirements, tax implications of financial transactions, and tax audit procedures.
  • Department of Economic Analysis: This department specializes in economic analysis and provides programs that explore topics such as cost-benefit analysis, economic forecasting, tax revenue analysis, tax incidence analysis, and economic modeling for tax policy.

Courses Offered

The Fiscal Institute under the State Tax Committee offers a wide range of courses that cater to students’ academic interests and career goals in the field of fiscal studies and taxation. The institute is committed to providing a comprehensive education that combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared for the challenges of tax administration and public finance management.

Some of the notable courses offered at the Fiscal Institute include:

  • Tax Legislation and Interpretation: This course focuses on the study of tax legislation and its interpretation, covering topics such as tax codes, tax regulations, tax treaties, legal principles of taxation, and tax court decisions.
  • Fiscal Policy Analysis: This course explores the principles and techniques of fiscal policy analysis, examining topics such as fiscal multipliers, fiscal sustainability, tax elasticity, fiscal impact assessment, and fiscal policy evaluation.
  • Tax Audit and Compliance: This course delves into the study of tax audit and compliance, covering topics such as tax audit procedures, risk-based auditing, taxpayer compliance strategies, tax evasion detection, and ethical considerations in tax administration.
  • Public Expenditure Management: This course examines the principles and practices of public expenditure management, exploring topics such as budget formulation, expenditure control, performance-based budgeting, public procurement, and financial accountability.
  • Tax Accounting Principles: This course focuses on the principles of tax accounting, covering topics such as revenue recognition, expense recognition, tax depreciation, deferred tax assets and liabilities, and tax provision calculation.
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis for Tax Policies: This course explores the principles and methods of cost-benefit analysis applied to tax policies, examining topics such as project evaluation, social discount rates, shadow pricing, distributional impacts, and sensitivity analysis.


The Fiscal Institute under the State Tax Committee, with its focus on fiscal studies, tax administration, and economic development, provides a transformative educational experience for students in Uzbekistan. The institute’s specialized departments, comprehensive programs, and emphasis on practical skills make it a respected institution in the field of fiscal studies and taxation. Whether students are interested in tax law, tax policy, tax administration, public finance, accounting and financial reporting, or economic analysis, they can expect a comprehensive education that prepares them for successful careers as professionals in tax administration and public finance management. Through its dedication to fiscal policy, tax administration, and economic development, the Fiscal Institute continues to shape the future of tax administration in Uzbekistan, contributing to effective tax management, fiscal sustainability, and the overall progress of the country.

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