
Toshkentagi M. V. Lomonosov nomidagi Moskva Davlat Universiteti



Toshkentagi M. V. Lomonosov nomidagi Moskva Davlat Universiteti, or Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov in Tashkent, is a prestigious higher education institution located in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Affiliated with the renowned Moscow State University in Russia, the Tashkent branch offers high-quality education and research opportunities to students in various academic disciplines. With its commitment to academic excellence, research, and international collaboration, Moscow State University in Tashkent prepares students to become well-rounded professionals and contribute to the development of Uzbekistan.

Founding History

Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov in Tashkent was founded with the goal of providing world-class education in Uzbekistan. As a branch of the prestigious Moscow State University in Russia, the Tashkent campus was established to offer quality education to students in Uzbekistan and the surrounding regions. Since its founding, the university has played a significant role in shaping the educational landscape of Uzbekistan and fostering international collaboration between Uzbekistan and Russia.

Founded on the principles of academic excellence, research, and international cooperation, Moscow State University in Tashkent aims to provide a transformative educational experience that equips students with the knowledge, skills, and global perspectives necessary for success in their careers and for making meaningful contributions to the development of Uzbekistan.

Departments and Programs

Moscow State University in Tashkent offers a wide range of departments and programs that cater to various academic disciplines. The university’s structure ensures that students have access to diverse fields of study and opportunities for specialization.

  • Department of Mathematics and Computer Science: This department offers programs in mathematics, computer science, and related fields. Students can pursue degrees in pure mathematics, applied mathematics, computer science, or computational mathematics.
  • Department of Physics: This department focuses on physics and offers programs in various subfields such as classical physics, quantum physics, nuclear physics, and astrophysics.
  • Department of Chemistry: This department specializes in chemistry and provides programs in organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, and biochemistry.
  • Department of Biology: This department offers programs in biology, including courses in molecular biology, genetics, microbiology, ecology, and evolutionary biology.
  • Department of Economics: This department focuses on economics and offers programs in areas such as macroeconomics, microeconomics, econometrics, international economics, and finance.
  • Department of International Relations: This department specializes in international relations and provides programs that cover topics such as diplomacy, global politics, international law, and regional studies.
  • Department of Linguistics: This department offers programs in linguistics and languages, including courses in phonetics, syntax, semantics, sociolinguistics, and language acquisition.
  • Department of Journalism: This department focuses on journalism and offers programs that cover topics such as media ethics, news reporting, investigative journalism, and digital media.

Courses Offered

Moscow State University in Tashkent offers a wide range of courses that cater to students’ academic interests and career goals. The university is committed to providing a comprehensive education that combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared for the challenges of their careers.

Some of the notable courses offered at Moscow State University in Tashkent include:

  • Advanced Calculus: This course focuses on advanced topics in calculus, including multivariable calculus, differential equations, vector calculus, and complex analysis.
  • Theoretical Physics: This course explores the fundamental principles of theoretical physics, covering topics such as classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, and statistical physics.
  • Organic Chemistry: This course delves into the study of organic chemistry, examining topics such as organic reactions, stereochemistry, functional groups, and organic synthesis.
  • Cell Biology: This course examines the structure and function of cells, covering topics such as cell organelles, cellular processes, cell signaling, and cell division.
  • Macroeconomics: This course focuses on the study of macroeconomics, exploring topics such as national income, economic growth, inflation, unemployment, and fiscal and monetary policies.
  • International Law: This course examines the principles and practices of international law, covering topics such as sources of international law, state sovereignty, human rights, and international organizations.
  • Phonetics and Phonology: This course explores the study of phonetics and phonology, analyzing the sounds and sound patterns of languages and their linguistic significance.
  • News Reporting and Writing: This course focuses on the principles and practices of news reporting and writing, including topics such as news gathering, interviewing, news writing styles, and journalistic ethics.


Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov in Tashkent, with its affiliation to the renowned Moscow State University in Russia, provides a transformative educational experience for students in Uzbekistan. The university’s diverse departments, comprehensive programs, and commitment to academic excellence and international collaboration make it a respected institution in various academic disciplines. Whether students are interested in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, economics, international relations, linguistics, or journalism, they can expect a comprehensive education that prepares them for successful careers as professionals in their respective fields. Through its dedication to academic excellence, research, and international cooperation, Moscow State University in Tashkent continues to shape the future of education in Uzbekistan, contributing to the advancement of knowledge, innovation, and the overall progress of the country.

Toshkent viloyati chirchiq davlat pedagogika instituti Toshkent irrigatsiya va qishloq xo’jaligini mexanizatsiyalash muhandislari instituti Toshkent davlat transport universiteti Toshkent To’qimachilik va Yengil Sanoat Instituti Toshkent Tibbiyot Akademiyasi Toshkent Shahridagi Xalqaro Vestminster Universiteti Toshkent Shahridagi Turin Politexnika Universiteti Toshkent Shahridagi Singapur Menejmentni Rivojlantirish Instituti Toshkent Shahridagi Inha Universiteti Toshkent Pediatriya Tibbiyot Instituti